Wednesday Nights @7:00PM
Every middle & high schooler needs a place where they feel like they belong. We meet every Wednesday night at 7pm. Our meetings exist to grow in relationship with Jesus and others around us. Students should expect fun interactive games and a place to be challenged to develop God-given potential in their lives.




Speed the Light
The concept is simple: we give so others can speed the light of the gospel to a world in darkness. This is accomplished by providing the "essential transportation and creative communication" equipment for missionary evangelism. Through modern transportation, radio, television, print, audio, and digital equipment, our missionaries can help make Jesus known.
Meet our Youth Pastors
Sammy & Cindy have been serving as Youth Pastors at Christian Life for less than a year. They both graduated from Christ Mission College in San Antonio, TX. Their passion is to see the youth of this generation encounter Christ and be renewed and transformed, to disciple, and send out individuals on fire to share of the good news to others.
“I believe this generation was created for ‘‘such as time as this” God created them so purposely and I am beyond excited to see what this generation will do for God” -Sammy